Caleb Robertson

Marketing & Creative Director, Production Manager

Caleb’s love of food and cooking was instilled into him from a young age. Growing up on a remote farm with six siblings and his parents struggling to make ends meet, most of their food was grown and made on the farm. From milk, eggs, veggies and bread to fermented foods like yoghurt, kombucha and sauerkraut, every meal was home made and shared around the dinner table and a great appreciation for enjoying wholesome food with loved ones was fostered.

After traveling abroad, Caleb returned home to Tassie to follow in his parent’s footsteps as a natural therapist in their thriving clinic. Seeing a lack of good quality fermented foods in the market he began sharing his own homemade sauerkraut with clients and teaching fermenting workshops. As they say, the rest is history! Having come full circle back to his roots, he now feels blessed to spend his days sharing his love of real, nutritious and delicious foods with the world through the Love Your Guts Co brand, blog and his popular workshops.

Joh Robertson


The brains of the operation, Joh’s background is in Veterinary Medicine and he also runs his own thriving veterinary practice in his home town of Forth, Tasmania. He brings his experience and skills of running successful clinics both in Tas and SA. Seemingly running on no sleep he deftly manages to juggle his roles of directing his clinic, loving husband and father of two youngsters, and now CEO of Love Your Guts Co.

Sharing the same upbringing as his brother Caleb, he connected with the passion and values behind Love Your Guts Co, so when approached to help grow his burgeoning side-business it was an immediate fit. With strong leadership experience and a passion for turning ideas into sustainable businesses, he oversees everything connected with the strategic global expansion of Love Your Guts Co.


Love Your Guts Co was born in the earthy kitchen of passionate foodie and health nut Caleb Robertson. Originally brewing and creating for his family, friends and clients at the natural health clinic where he worked, word soon got out and demand for his tasty and unique foods grew quickly. What started as a side hustle soon outgrew the kitchen and now three like-minded young entrepreneurs form the backbone of Love Your Guts – Caleb, his big brother Joh, and good mate Zac Fiddymont.

What hasn’t changed are the recipes and we are committed to only making the healthiest food that we feed our own families. Creating the best tasting and highest quality foods you can buy is just a start, our mission is to be the champions of the happiest, healthiest you and ultimately the world!


Love Your Guts Co is the culmination of three passions: good honest food, health & nutrition, and our beautiful island home of Tasmania and by extension our environment at large.

We’re dedicated to delivering a healthy and tasty choice,
taking a mindful approach and giving back to the planet where ever possible



While being based in Tasmania has it’s logistical challenges it also offers us access to best local produce and the purest water in the world.

We went on a mission to source the purest water we could find, and we found it in a spring at the foot of the Great Western Tiers in Tasmania’s karst national park.

This pristine water is fed from an ancient aquifer and filtered through limestone formations leaving it rich in minerals and perfect for fermentation. We feel blessed to be able to share this water with the world!


Love Your Guts Co is proud to be aligned with Make-A-Wish Australia. 5 cents from every bottle sold will be donated to Make-A-Wish.
A wish has the power to calm, distract and empower sick children at a time they need it most. This donation will help make wishes come true for seriously ill children around Australia.
As individuals we come from a varied background – a natural therapist, a farmer and a veterinarian – but the thing we have in common is our love of family, health, tasty and nutritious food and a zest for life and this forms the foundations of Love Your Guts Co. An ambition to spread the good vibes wherever we go.

Our passion for a healthy, happy and playful lifestyle made the decision to join the Wish Force an easy one when we saw that MAW makes happiness and dreams possible for kids. For us at Love Your Guts Co, it’s not enough to just create a healthy and delicious product – we want to be able to make a difference to lives where it matters most – in that warm, safe sanctuary we call home where family and friends create happy memories.

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